lördag 17 mars 2012

Big Kittens sleep a lot :P

Bisse and Brianna have gotten into a new routine... Sleep all day and play and make noise in the early wee hours of the morning :( That is sometimes hard to put up with, but I've gotten use to the racket so it's not so bad anymore... These pics I took today :) Bisse is very much like his father, always in need of affection and attention. His looks are from his mother, though :) She also has the same coloring in the face. Brianna looks like her father but is more analytical and cool, also she've become more cuddly since she was spayed. They are both more cuddly. Brianna loves feet and Bisse sometimes "helps" me clean my hair by licking it :P He believes it is my fur :P That's funny. Today I brushed them a little too. Brianna loves to bite the cat-brush :)

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